1. baseline::C1s
    XPS core line data
  2. baseline::O1s
    XPS core line data
  3. baseline::milk
    MALDI-TOF mass spectra
    data.frame|45 x 2
  4. EMSC::fishoil
    Raman spectra of fish oil
    data.frame|126 x 3
  5. EMSC::milk
    Raman spectra of milk (wrong specification, kept for backward compatibility)
    data.frame|126 x 3
  6. ER::Diabetes
    Diabetes data
    data.frame|30 x 4
  7. ER::Lactobacillus
    Lactobacillus data
    data.frame|12 x 5
  8. ER::MS
    Multiple Sclerosis data
    data.frame|101 x 3
  9. HDANOVA::caldana
    Arabidopsis thaliana growth experiment
    data.frame|140 x 3
  10. HDANOVA::candies
    Sensory assessment of candies.
    data.frame|165 x 3
  11. MatrixCorrelation::candy
    Candy data
  12. multiblock::candies
    Sensory assessment of candies.
    data.frame|165 x 3
  13. multiblock::potato
    Sensory, rheological, chemical and spectroscopic analysis of potatoes.
    data.frame|26 x 9
  14. multiblock::simulated
    Data simulated to have certain characteristics.
  15. multiblock::wine
    Wines of Val de Loire
    data.frame|21 x 5
  16. pls::gasoline
    Octane numbers and NIR spectra of gasoline
    data.frame|60 x 2
  17. pls::mayonnaise
    NIR measurements and oil types of mayonnaise
    data.frame|162 x 4
  18. pls::oliveoil
    Sensory and physico-chemical data of olive oils
    data.frame|16 x 2
  19. pls::yarn
    NIR spectra and density measurements of PET yarns
    data.frame|28 x 3